8th June 2021
Supplementary Statement, BBC Wales: 8th June 2021
8 June 2021
Supplementary Statement from Orbis Education and Care
It has been untruly suggested that we prioritise profits over care. We continuously invest in developing our services for those we support, their families and Local Authority Commissioners.
This investment includes training, facilities, therapeutic care and supporting colleagues, all of which improves outcomes for our service users.
We also invest in new homes, often at the request of Local Authorities, and always take the views of families into account when deciding where to place these services.
Orbis aspires to be the best, rather than the biggest, provider of social care in the UK. We hope to grow in partnership with Commissioners and families who value and need the care we provide.
Orbis has a comprehensive range of established governance policies and procedures, supported by a dedicated Quality team, to work with our home managers in the delivery of a safe and high-quality service.
In October 2020 Orbis did, with regret, choose to close a home in England. Regulatory issues lead to a temporary suspension to new residents. These were largely addressed but, due to ongoing Covid restrictions, we were unable to secure a further inspection which we hoped would have enabled us to re-open the home in a timely manner.
We are committed to continuing to provide an environment that will allow all our cherished service users to live happy and fulfilling lives.
Orbis Spokesperson
Orbis Education and Care Ltd