12th June 2023

Ty Coryton Receive Their Estyn Inspection Report

Everyone at Orbis would like to say massive CONGRATULATIONS to the entire team at Tŷ Coryton School following the release of their latest Estyn Monitoring Inspection report.

The entire staff team at Tŷ Coryton School have worked incredibly hard over the last year to implement key changes around the school, both within the curriculum and culture of the classrooms! Whilst we know the journey to ensuring our pupils reach their full potential is an evolving one, we're thrilled with the achievements so far and are excited to continue to implement the planned changes over the remainder of this academic year and the next.

We're incredibly proud of the staff's hard work and dedication to ensuring all pupils are able to reach their full academic potential while developing a positive and nurturing learning environment for all. And, of course, to our wonderful pupils who make Tŷ Coryton School such a great place.
