Summergil House School

The epitome of country living, Summergil House sits along the dotted line that represents the border between Herefordshire and Powys, England and Wales.

Our school is a modern building full of bright and colourful classrooms for small classes of pupils, a swimming pool, smallholding, with rabbits and chickens, a huge polytunnel and a large sports hall.

School Information


Our dedicated and enthusiastic team is committed to supporting our pupils to become valued, active, caring and thoughtful members of the community. We provide safe, welcoming learning environments that promote independence, individuality, confidence and self-esteem.

With a strong emphasis on play, identity, social communication and wellbeing, as well as independence and life skills, our team supports children to develop into confident young people with the tools to make their way in the world when they move on.

We believe the voice of the child should be heard, and we provide lots of opportunities for our pupils to contribute in all aspects of school life, through a Student Council, Eco Committee and Children’s United Nations Forum as well as a Young People’s Forum.

Children also enjoy a pioneering community-based work experience programme where they work at The Orb: a shop, café, laundry, office and kitchen located on the high street. Children gain essential life and work skills, working in the shop, stocking the shelves, pricing stock, preparing snacks and drinks for friendly customers, and can gain accreditations for their work. We are proud to have been awarded the Careers Wales Quality Mark for our work-experience provision.

Orbis needs supported infographic

Needs Supported

Orbis needs supported infographic


Orbis needs supported infographic

Mixed Genders


Summergil House provides bright and stimulating learning environments that embrace individuality, inspire confidence and encourage children to learn through having fun. By focussing on the child and their strengths, personality, abilities and aspirations, as well as their specific needs, our pupils grow into happy and independent young people with confidence and a life that is both socially-valued and fulfilled.

We support children to be active and valued members of their community, through a model of education and care that is underpinned by Positive Behaviour Support which ensures that positive behaviour and learning are celebrated, repeated and reinforced. As a result children associate coming to school with positivity and having fun.

We support pupils to develop skills that help them to progress both in education and in life, encouraging them to make positive choices and maintain their overall wellbeing.

Every child has an individual learning plan based on their level, ability and interests which is therefore stimulating, motivating and engaging. An experienced team of teaching specialists and therapists combine to nurture the child as a whole in a way that is consistent.

We also work closely with families, carers and professionals so that education is delivered with the pupil’s best interests at heart.

Summergil House — Having fun in the ball pit


Summergil House opened its doors in March 2017 and has since developed into a close and loving community where children can make lasting memories of their childhood and make friends for life.

Formerly the site of the now-ruined Womaston Castle, Orbis purchased the site in 2016 and turned its cottages into bright, funky, interior-designed school buildings. The school community is a close, clustered huddle of cottages set amongst 18 acres of land.

School Inspection Reports

Summergil House School is inspected by Estyn. In our latest annual monitoring inspection, Estyn stated:

'(Pupil reports) show clearly individual pupil progress as well as future targets.'

'Where appropriate, there is a wide range of supporting information, for example, from specialist services including speech and language therapy.'

'The positive behaviour support plans provide valuable guidance for parents and this enables a consistent approach across home and school.'

'The important pupil review section provides a suitable format allowing most pupils to contribute their views on the things they like doing in school, what they find hard and what can help them.'


Provision of Information

All pupils have individual education plans which reflect their needs and their statement / EHCP objectives. The plan ensures that learning is consistent for each child, building on their existing skills and with clearly stated learning objectives as they prepare for future pathways. These plans are shared with all stakeholders.

If pupils have additional language needs extra provision is provided as required.

The following information is available on request:

  • The school's academic performance
  • Number of staff employed at the school
    (including temporary staff and a summary of their qualifications)
  • Any formal complaints received
  • Education and welfare provision for pupils with statements, and for pupils for whom English or Welsh is an additional language



Chief Executive Officer

Vision Court, Pentwyn Road, Cardiff, CF23 8HA

Tel: 029 2002 9922

Chairperson of the Board of Governors:

Lucy Pottinger, Director of Education

Vision Court, Pentwyn Road, Cardiff, CF23 8HA

Head of School - Helen Corrick

Eve Hodnett

Executive Head of Education - Powys / Designated Safeguarding Lead

Summergil House
Orbis Education & Care Ltd
Watery Lane, Walton

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Parent Information



Pupils at Summergil House follow a fun and engaging curriculum based on their skills, needs and interests.

This includes appropriate access to the Curriculum for Wales, as well as a wider curriculum of activities designed to develop learning, social confidence and life skills, and maintain good health and wellbeing.

To read our Education Provisions Booklet, click here.

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School Uniform

School Uniform

The school provides all pupils with a school uniform free of charge. This includes 2 x polo shirts and 2 x sweatshirts.

We understand that some children have sensory needs relating to the fabrics they can wear, and we are always happy to adapt our uniform in a way to ensure every pupil’s comfort. This may include wearing t-shirts instead of polo shirts and zip up hoodies instead of jumpers for example. We want all of our pupils to love being part of our school and we are happy to work together so that all children wear the uniform with a smile!

School Menu

School Menu

We offer a varied and healthy range of mid-morning snacks and lunches. Each day our pupils have a choice of three delicious options for lunch, which change on a four-weekly basis.

We cater for vegetarians as well as dietary requirements relating to faith and other dietary needs.

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Term Dates

Term Dates

Download the 2024-2025 term dates here.

Download the 2025-2026 term dates here.

Pupil Voice Groups

Pupil Forum

The Pupil Forum is a regular group-wide meeting that invites pupils from all of our schools to come together to make important decisions about their schools. Not only is this a great way for children to meet other children from other schools and make new friends, but it also ensures that our young people are given a voice and are heard.

Our aim is to promote confidence in children and for them to understand the value of their own voice and their opinions. We feel that our children’s voices are as important as anyone else’s and the Pupil Forum helps our pupils to gain confidence in communicating with their peers, and understand the value in speaking up.

Action points that arise from Pupil Forum discussions are assigned to members of the management team to action, with their progress re-visited at subsequent meetings. This makes the management team accountable for changes requested directly by the pupils.

School Council

The School Council is made up of pupil representatives from each class. Each representative is chosen by their peers to represent the views of their class to ensure that the good things continue and that required improvements are voiced, heard and acted upon.

The School Council meets once every half term to discuss everything from school dinners to suggesting events and activities. Children give theirs and their peers’ opinions and decisions are made around such things as garden design, resources and facilities. Children on the School Council are able to continue to develop their communication skills whilst representing and taking responsibility for the views of their class.

A suggestion box is also available at all times in school so that all pupils have the opportunity to communicate their ideas. The School Council always ensures decisions are made, recorded and shared with the whole school.

Learning Council

The Learning Council is a pupil voice group that offers children opportunities to provide input into their curriculum, including what they learn and how they do it. Pupils are encouraged to invest in, and take ownership of their learning experience and so it makes sense that we listen to their learning preferences.

After all, we want our learners to associated school with fun and positivity, and equally we want our pupils to engage and gain as much from their education as possible. What better way to motivate a child to learn than to ask them what learning means to them and what it should look like.

Eco Club

Many of our pupils have a keen interest in the environment and the world around them and our Eco Clubs provide a haven for children who are keen to help the school run as efficiently and environmentally-friendly as possible.

In order to help our schools stay green there is a wide range of activities at Eco Club including recycling projects, monitoring the use of light switches and power points, working around the garden, learning about nature and the environment and more. Eco Club activities are suitable for any age group within the school, and are designed to make our learning environments safer, greener and more environmentally-friendly.