Welcome from the Director of Education

Hello, and a warm welcome to our school website. I hope that by visiting this site you will gain an understanding of the work that is carried out at Orbis Schools, the achievements made by our pupils, and our vision, aims and values.
Orbis Schools prides itself on providing a friendly, caring and supportive environment that encourages our pupils to reach their full potential.
Our pupils are very important to us and supporting them to progress throughout their academic lives underpins everything that we do. This website allows me to share the dynamic experiences available here and show you how the curriculum can be personalised to suit the individual needs of every young person that walks through our doors. As well as educating our pupils, we place huge importance on their well-being, health and care needs.
The staff team at Orbis Schools are dedicated to helping our pupils to become caring and thoughtful members of the community. There is a strong emphasis on communication by whatever means is appropriate to the individual, as we believe that when our pupils are able to communicate their wants and needs, they will have the confidence and the skills to make their way in the world when they leave us.
We firmly believe in listening to our pupils. Many contribute to various aspects of school life through the Student Council, Eco Committee and making choices about the school on behalf of their peers. All pupils contribute to their annual reviews either in person or through informative booklets completed prior to the meeting. Further to this, we have a comprehensive and successful work-experience programme which allows pupils to gain essential real-world work skills and continuous learning, working in The Orb – a shop, cafe, laundry, office and kitchen on the high street in Porth and Morriston. In fact, so successful has this provision been that we have recently been awarded the Careers Wales Quality Mark for our overall work experience offering. Add to that our Wales Care Awards for recognition of our quality and model of care.
While this website provides a lot of interesting information, it is no substitute for a visit to our school. We welcome you to meet our pupils and their staff and to spend some time in our beautiful grounds in order to gain a better understanding of what it feels like to be a member of the Orbis Schools Community.
Very best wishes,